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Fred Jacobs is President of Jacobs Media, a media research and consulting firm. Jacobs Media clients have included CBS Radio, Premiere Radio Networks, Citadel, Greater Media, MTV Networks, Playboy, Amazon, Electronic Arts, NPR, Sylvan Learning Centers, and Taubman Malls. Learn more about the company here.


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Dan Kelley

Its interesting to note that NPR - with its mix of news, talk - and depending on the station - shows like Prarie Home Companion, Mountain Stage or blocks of classical or AAA-style music - is being referred to in the study as a format all by itself.

I think a lot of these stations would have been considered block programmed not-so-many years ago.

And based on some casual, non-scientific observations of many die-hard NPR listeners, they describe their format of choice simply as NPR. When I've asked why they simply say that it doesn't insult their intelligence.

Add NeoRadio with the NPR factor and it really gives pause for thought on station formatics, attitude and execution.

Jim Russell

Paul, you nailed it when you said about public radio, "They're about quality programming and a value system that comes through loud and clear day in and day out." And you're right -- despite those endless and annoying pledge drives, the fact is that people do contribute, voluntarily, to something they get free. Such contributions are public radio's largest source of funding. One thing to be aware of. Public radio is more diverse than just NPR. For example, the well-known and very successful programs Prairie Home Companion and Marketplace both come not from NPR, but from the Minnesota-based American Public Radio. And, there's a third syndicator, Public Radio International, that presents shows like Ira Glass's This American Life and The World. The fact is that in our country, the only one on earth where "public radio" was an afterthought, the medium is booming. A real testimony to the fact that at least part of the audience will seek out and pay for quality.

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