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Fred Jacobs is President of Jacobs Media, a media research and consulting firm. Jacobs Media clients have included CBS Radio, Premiere Radio Networks, Citadel, Greater Media, MTV Networks, Playboy, Amazon, Electronic Arts, NPR, Sylvan Learning Centers, and Taubman Malls. Learn more about the company here.


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August 2011

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Bob Bellin

The reason is that radio's sales efforts have been dumbed down. Sellers commissions are cut every year, bonuses reneged on and the combination of management cuts and non-competes have made upward mobility a pipe dream.

Creative, aggressive sales people no longer see radio as an attractive career, so many of the best have left and their replacements are not as effective, because more money, mobility and creativity are available elsewhere.

Add endless numbers of sales meetings, proposal quotas to the mix and you no longer attract the level of talent you once could. Radio changed the conditions and the market for top sellers responded.

Nick Gerard

When I took my first radio sales position in 1989, I was fortunate to be at a station that provided radio sales training by Jason Jennings and Chris Lytle. They provided excellent customer-oriented radio sales techniques that I adopted immediately and with enthusiasm. Within 6 months, I was beginning to have success. Prospects appreciated my approach: "you're the first radio sales guy to come in here without those charts saying 'our station is Number One.'" The techniques I was trained in focused on moving advertisers' inventory, or filling tables at a restaurant.

It was great, until a few months later a new GM came in and immediately threw out this client-focused approach to selling radio. "You're too involved with them! You're not making enough calls...bla, bla, bla."

So, I was a pariah for embracing the very same sales techniques this station had trained me to apply.

Over the years I've observed that radio sales managers will give ample lip service to "serving our clients," but in practice rarely provide the training or the environment in which radio reps can actually do this. They always seemed to prefer the one-dimensional spot hawkers.

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