Ask anyone in my office - if you want to get my day off on the wrong foot, just let something out of our office with a typo. Of course, it happens. We're all human. But when I see some obvious mistakes that spell checking would catch - well, it makes me a little nuts.
That's why whenever I receive a station email blast, and it's got one, two, or even more typos, it just makes you wonder how this stuff is allowed to happen. When you figure that thousands of your best listeners are going to receive that kind of email, it just sends the wrong message.
Same thing with the station website. It's frustrating to see an otherwise good promotion or feature get deflated because of lame typos or other simple quality control mistakes that should have been caught. I realize that radio stations, like many businesses, are staff-challenged. Oftentimes, there just aren't available people to catch these errors.
But on the other hand, if you're in charge of emails or updating the website, and perhaps you were more focused on Radio 101 in school than you were on English Lit 400, get some help and assistance. Sometimes, I find the best way to make sure there aren't problems is to read an email or a blog out loud.
Just so you don't feel bad, the incident that inspired this blog occurred recently on a Major League Baseball field. It seems that when you suck, things can only get worse. The Washington Nationals - the worst team in baseball - were on the diamond wearing these snappy uniforms.