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Fred Jacobs is President of Jacobs Media, a media research and consulting firm. Jacobs Media clients have included CBS Radio, Premiere Radio Networks, Citadel, Greater Media, MTV Networks, Playboy, Amazon, Electronic Arts, NPR, Sylvan Learning Centers, and Taubman Malls. Learn more about the company here.


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This is one of the most important messages you've posted on this site as far as I'm concerned.

I think PDs are apprehensive to ID every song over two things in particular: 1) fear that P1s could consider it annoying after a while and 2) not knowing how to seamlessly mesh song IDs into the station's image without messing with their perceptions of clutter.

However, if the audience doesn't see it as clutter, then clearly there is no reason not to ID every song. After all, even slick production can't save a station if it fails to fulfill the audience's expectations.

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