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Fred Jacobs is President of Jacobs Media, a media research and consulting firm. Jacobs Media clients have included CBS Radio, Premiere Radio Networks, Citadel, Greater Media, MTV Networks, Playboy, Amazon, Electronic Arts, NPR, Sylvan Learning Centers, and Taubman Malls. Learn more about the company here.


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August 2011

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Larry Sharp

From your mouth to God's ears.


Hungry, 3/4's of a tank and plenty more miles to go!

Scott Hanley

Great post, Fred. Has me remembering Dan Cook of WAAM - plus, high school chum Pete Bucalo, who helped make sure Dan took notice when Pete went off to MSU. So many others along the way, and I've tried to do the same. Pay it forward, for sure. One of the best features of radio, I always thought.


Thanks Larry and Scott, for the comments. We all need to remember what got us to the dance, or in this case "who." Thanks for reading this blog, and hopefully, there will be some broadcasters thinking about "pay it forward."

Bob Ottaway

Fred, thanks for the kind words. Even though Fred is very self-effacing in his recollection of the kick-off of his highly successful format, the decision was easy. Fred KNEW what he was doing. He was meticulous about it, and didn't mind making tweaks along the way as other stations litterally changed their formats to compete, ie WFMK and WIBM. It is fair to say that the radio format landscape in Lansing changed over a weekend. The format was SO POPULAR that every station was all of a sudden playing a "classic". We had service-marked "Classical Rock and Roll" so nobody dared go there. I'm an ad man and marketing is all about being different. Fred offered that choice and it was a home run. We used the Detroit Tigers franchise that the station owned...and coming off a World Champion season in 1984...we parlayed the Tigers into a springboard to launch the format to all those men who were listening anyway but left after the games. Our ad budget was zero! By the next book we were #1 in every male format with a signal that really didn't cover the Metro. Congratualtions to Fred, Bill, Paul and Andy Bloom. We had a blast! Thanks, Bob Ottaway

Keith Mitchell

Remember WMMQ's sign-on with classic rock while a student at MSU. Everyone was listening to it within months. I eventually went on to work at poor signaled competitor WLNZ until it went CHR. Congrats on 25 years with the format.

As for the career break, thanks to my friend Harold Miller down in South Carolina. Gave me a job when I was out of one in 1995 and within a year, gave me the keys to the entire place and made me OM. Learned a ton and wouldn't trade the experience for anything.


Thanks, Bob, for the kind thoughts and for taking that risk. And to all of you commented and considered the breaks you got and hopefully, the breaks you'll give.

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