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Fred Jacobs is President of Jacobs Media, a media research and consulting firm. Jacobs Media clients have included CBS Radio, Premiere Radio Networks, Citadel, Greater Media, MTV Networks, Playboy, Amazon, Electronic Arts, NPR, Sylvan Learning Centers, and Taubman Malls. Learn more about the company here.


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Larry Rosin

Great post Fred. I too have traveled to CES several times(although not this year) and one can't help but get swept up in the excitment. And I have had the same mini-depression at seeing how much radio is an afterthought, no matter how much 'music' and 'audio' are central to the discussion. American radio companies see themselves as firmly in the 'software' business only and never think of the hardware side nor seem to 'show up' in these environments (I guess off-loading it to Ibiquity). Thanks for your reporting and thoughtfulness from Las Vegas.


Thanks, Larry. I appreciate you taking the time to bring your perspective. We chatted with the folks at NBC Universal, but beyond them, content folks were pretty invisible. I would love to see radio represented. As Paul Heine wrote in Inside Radio this morning, HD Radio was really the only broadcast radio brand in attendance.

Jim Kerr

Fred, you absolutely nailed it. The Hollywood panel mirrored everything you said. The phrase they used was "best available screen," but the focus was clearly on the consumer. I would go further and say the tech companies are scrambling because they are scared--the consumers are showing a willingness to flow to the simplest easy-to-access path to content. Two years ago, we were saying that you had to "chunk" content to fit the small screen of a cell phone, and now you have people watching full length movies on them. Why? The consumers don't care--they just want that best available screen.

This puts severe strain on consumer electronics manufacturers. More than at any time, they are a means to an end. Does a 1 GB Hummingbird processor kick ass? I guess so, but the consumer just wants to watch and listen to his or her content, specs be damned.

For radio, the lesson is really simple: Be everywhere, and be great doing it.


Thanks, Jim. That focus on the consumer experience is something that we took away from CES. From the biggest companies and corporations to the smallest start-ups, it is all about making it easy & accessible for consumers. Anywhere, anytime should be a manta, as well as continuing to provide quality entertainment. That was the message from CES.

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