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Fred Jacobs is President of Jacobs Media, a media research and consulting firm. Jacobs Media clients have included CBS Radio, Premiere Radio Networks, Citadel, Greater Media, MTV Networks, Playboy, Amazon, Electronic Arts, NPR, Sylvan Learning Centers, and Taubman Malls. Learn more about the company here.


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August 2011

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Katie Marroso

Nice post Fred, hope you don't mind me sharing one of my career highlights here.

I had the pleasure of working with the late Al Casey when "Young Country" was launched in Detroit in 1993. Al was the first one to really believe in me and put me on the air in prime time with very little experience.

He had a unique and kind management style that earned the respect of the entire staff. He nurtured the on-air talent individually and made all of us better personally and professionally. I am lucky to have worked with him.

If he were still with us I believe he would echo your sentiments.

Paul Jacobs

Thanks for the comment, Katie. We've all had good and bad bosses/mentors. We learn from them both, but I have to say that the great ones are the difference-makers.

I bet we all can point to one or two people who've made that difference. Would love to hear other stories like this.

Tony Waitekus

Kid Rocks comments are good for life in general, not just business relationships.


Man. I have names that carry me thru each day in everything I do/create: A PD named Chris Hampton, who saw something in me 1977, and ran with it...and more importantly let me run with it...Scott Strong...Dwight Walker...Don Daniels...Larry Sharp...Bob Agnew...Lee Hammer...(oh. and without gettin too heavy, Shiva... Ohmmmmm)


AND, even the guys who "fired" me. They all did me an incredible favor. (of course I didn't see it at the time...) But in the aftermath, I always ended up in a higher-better place. Leason learned.

Thanks to those guys as well. I owe them too.


That would be "lesson" learned...they say kreative people don't spell so good (=


Thanks for the comments. I heard from several people yesterday regarding "influencers" - the strong mentors and leaders who helped shape careers. Thanks to Kid Rock and Stephen Clark for reminding us about what's important in our careers and in our lives.

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