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Fred Jacobs is President of Jacobs Media, a media research and consulting firm. Jacobs Media clients have included CBS Radio, Premiere Radio Networks, Citadel, Greater Media, MTV Networks, Playboy, Amazon, Electronic Arts, NPR, Sylvan Learning Centers, and Taubman Malls. Learn more about the company here.


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August 2011

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Jay Deacon

How do I know things are moving fast?


I see an Old Navy commercial asking smartphone users to Shazam it. When you do---not only do you get the single ready to download on your phone (hello breaking new artists), you get to shop for the clothes and learn everything about Old Navy you ever wanted. All that is missing is a #oldnavy logo on the bottom of the screen.

And as an Old Navy shopper---it makes me think my clothes are WAY more hip than they really are. (hard to spend more than $22 on a pair of jeans these days)


Wow, great example of retail moving very quickly on the new media train. Thanks, Jay, and enjoy those jeans.

Chuck Jeffries-Smith KFOG-KNBR-KSAN

Once in a Creative Team brainstorming session with (then-KFOG-KSAN GM) Dwight Walker, it was quoted (from Alice In Wonderland if memory serves) "Soon, you're going to have to run as fast as you can JUST TO KEEP UP. How fast will you have to run to get ahead, she asked? Faster than you can ever imagine..."

That meeting was in 1999

Chuck Smith


Chuck, we all have those memories of meetings, memos, studies that we've seen or even conducted. And now, you're dead on - "faster than you can ever imagine."

Dwight always had an eye to the future.

Thanks for reading out blog & taking the time to comment.

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