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Fred Jacobs is President of Jacobs Media, a media research and consulting firm. Jacobs Media clients have included CBS Radio, Premiere Radio Networks, Citadel, Greater Media, MTV Networks, Playboy, Amazon, Electronic Arts, NPR, Sylvan Learning Centers, and Taubman Malls. Learn more about the company here.


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Richard Fusco

I have suggested for sometime that the way to make advertising work in the new media environment is to go beyond geo, demo and content targeting to self selected advertising. Give users a choice on what ads they hear just like they choice they have for music. For example, if I am interested in a hybrid vehicle, financial planning for my kid's college, Caribbean vacations and new movies plus I like funny commercials or ads with great music, then I would select those categories and hear only those ads. Imagine how powerful such ads would be. They would instantly change advertising from being a program intrusion to valid product/service information for things I want. They could virtually eliminate the tune-out factor and with a direct click-through to more info or to buy would be the Holy Grail advertisers have been looking for and fulfill the promise of new interactive media.


Richard, I like it - listener-controlled ads. Hey, if we're going to be competitive in this space we can't just stream our terrestrial signals and call it a day. Thanks for contributing to the conversation.


I’m a fan of Pandora as well as I Heart Radio, despite I Heart's ragged execution.

What jumped out at me about the Pandora numbers is that they are not comparable to single station radio station ratings. Those are aggregate numbers for all of Pandora. To compare you should be looking at cluster ratings for those respective markets. Unless media buyers have changed in the few years since I left radio, they irrationally insist on each station standing alone in a media buy. If they are consistent, they will resist buying the Pandora cluster. Of course, Pandora being smartly managed they will refuse to sell it any other way.

We should remember that Pandora is not dependent on selling advertising to raise revenue. There’s a very affordable subscription fee that makes the ads all go away.


Jerry, thanks for the note and the reminder about Pandora's subscription fee.

Peter Garcia

Why can't pandora buy a radio sation and call it pandora radio and link them both up for the webbers online. I know , easier said than done, radio will eventually fall unless they reinvent the whole radio concept. I'm pretty sure the new cars will have internet capabilties where it gives them a chance to hear pandora in their car.

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