On Thursday, we'll be hosting our second "Summer School" at Conclave. Last year was the first time we were invited to take over a four-hour chunk of the agenda, and we not only had a great time putting it together, but it was extremely well-attended and the "students" were really engaged.
"Summer School" has become one of our favorites because we can put together a lot of different content and then share it in 20-30 minute energetic bites. This year, we'll be featuring some of the Jacobs Media staff, including our new Social & Digital Strategist, Lori Lewis, along with Bill and Paul Jacobs and Ralph Cipolla. The syllabus includes sessions on social media, teasing, lessons from PPM, the future of apps, and other great content.
And as always, we're fortunate to have some great speakers who aren't on our payroll, including:
Paul Krasinski, Arbitron's Senior VP of Digital Media and Analytics, who will share insight into Arbitron's digital direction.
Mike Reszler, Minnesota Public Radio's Managing Online Editor, who will answer "5 Big Questions and How MPR is Answering Them"
Michael Brandvold, who heads up his own marketing company, will share the lessons he learned from marketing the legendary rock band KISS, and apply them to radio.
We hope you've got the time to join us, Tom Kay, and the rest of the Conclave team for what will surely be another great experience in the Twin Cities. Industry gatherings like this are important, as we come together to learn and share ideas.
There's still time to enroll in Summer School, where you'll also see great Conclave sessions, classes from AllAccess, RAIN, and other highlights.
Hope to see you later this week.
The complete syllabus is below:
8:00 – 8:40 |
Fans, Friends, & Followers – Fred Jacobs will share highlights from the 2011 Techsurvey 7 with social media insights and how brands can impact via social media avenues. |
8:40 – 9:00 |
PPM Lessons For The Diary World – Bill Jacobs will share lessons we’ve learned from PPM markets, including information from Media Monitors. |
9:00 – 9:30 |
5 BIG Questions, And How Minnesota Public Radio Is Answering Them – Mike Reszler, the managing online editor of visionary Public Radio organization MPR, shares the secrets of how they have built up a robust digital presence while maintaining broadcast excellence. |
9:30 – 9:50 |
The “Backchannel” – Fred Jacobs & Lori Lewis will tell the story of how a local television anchorman has harnessed the power of Twitter and how these lessons can be applied to radio. |
9:50 – 10:10 |
The Art Of The Tease – Whether diary or PPM, it’s all about creating more listening occasions. Ralph Cipolla reviews how any personality or host can write better, more compelling teases. |
10:10 – 10:40 |
Arbitron’s Digital Direction – Arbitron’s Senior VP of Digital Media & Analytics, Paul Krasinski, lays out some of the newer measurement challenges and how digital competition is changing the overall listening picture. |
10:40 – 11:00 |
The Killer B’s For Talent – Fred Jacobs shares ten important tips (that all start with “Be”) to help talent grow and to guide programmers in what to look for in new hires. |
11:00 – 11:20 |
The 5 Things Radio Needs To Know About Social Media - Lori Lewis will lay out her strategic vision to help stations create a more lasting social brand relationship with their audience. |
11:20 – 11:40 |
Marketing Lessons You Can Learn From KISS – The visionary behind the online mastery of KISS, Michael Brandvold will share their secrets and how they apply to radio. |
11:40 – Noon |
There’s An App For That – Paul Jacobs will outline the potential of the app market for radio as well as share examples from some of the best radio apps out there. |